機床被譽為“工業母機,國之重器”,是制造機器的機器,對加工精度和表面光潔度要求較高的零部件都需要通過機床加工。我國機床產值全球領先,但中高端產品在整機可靠性、精度、精度保持性、 機床壽命、效率等方面與機床制造強國仍有差距。隨著科技的不斷進步和制造業的快速發展,數控機床作為現代制造業的核心裝備之一,正經歷著深刻的變革和發展。 未來,數控機床行業將為制造業的轉型升級和高質量發展提供強有力的支撐。
Dr. Omer Sahin Ganiyusufoglu, academician of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering, is one of the pioneers of automation of CNC-machine tools with robots. He graduated from Technical University Berlin with Ph.D. degree and realized the first fully automated CNC-lathe. Dr. Omer Sahin Ganiyusufoglu used to be CEO of Yamazaki Mazak GmbH, CEO of Index Dalian Machine Tool Ltd and Special Consultant to Chairman of Shenyang Machine Tool Group. He is also honorary professor of Tongji University and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and won the Friendship Award of the Chinese Government in 2018.Omer Sahin Ganiyusufoglu(葛興福)博士,德國國家工程院院士,柏林工業大學博士。Ganiyusufoglu博士長期從事數控機床自動化領域,曾任馬扎克(德國)總經理、因代克斯(大連)總經理、沈陽機床集團特別顧問、國際生產工程科學院企業會員主席等職。他也是南京航空航天大學榮譽教授、同濟大學顧問教授,并在2018年獲得中國政府友誼獎。
Dr. Omer Sahin Ganiyusufoglu is one of the pioneers of automation of CNC-machine tools. What do you think about the development trend of machine tool industry worldwide?
Machine tools are so called“mother machines”. For everything in the world what is not coming from nature, we need machine tools for their production. Therefore, every country which wants to have a strong industry also needs a powerful machine tool industry. Besides the developed countries with a high-level machine tool industry, emerging countries will try to establish their own machine tool industry. These machines will become more commodity machines, thus leading to a tough competition in the world markets in future. As of today, machine tool industry is at the limits in terms of technologies they comprise. The future developments will focus on automated systems and digital transformation.機床被稱為“母機”,我們需要機床來生產所有的人造物品。因此,每個想要發展強大工業體系的國家,就需要有強大的機床工業。發達國家已擁有高水平的機床工業,發展中國家也在力爭建立自己的機床工業體系,并參與激烈的國際市場競爭。當前,機床行業技術的發展已經達到非常高的水平,未來行業發展將集中在自動化系統和數字化轉型上。
What are the key factors to achieve high precision and high stability of machine tools?
First key factor is well-trained staff and skilled workers. As next, designers who are experienced in machine tool design and the necessary software tools for design. Furthermore, a stable tempered factory environment and precise tools and measuring equipment. The process of assembly must be defined by experts and each step must be executed according to work instruction and confirmed.
What is the main technical threshold of five axis (or more axis) machine tools?
Five-axis machining is like the “Champions League” of machine tools industry. First of all, a dedicated design of machine tool is needed depending on the industry where the machine tool will be used. As an example, for machining aluminum, another design is necessary than for machining titanium. For a reliable five-axis machining, precise rotary components are very essential as well as a dedicated 5-axis control. Developing 5-axis control needs decades.五軸就像是機床行業的“冠軍聯賽”。重要的是需要根據使用場景,對五軸機床進行專門的設計,例如鋁加工和鈦加工所需的機床是不同的。要實現可靠的五軸加工,精密的旋轉部件以及專用的五軸控制系統至關重要;研發五軸機床也需要數十年的時間積累。
What impact may AI or other emerging technologies have on the machine tool industry?
AI will help machine tools to be more intelligent and to make decisions autonomously and to optimize processes. Consequently, AI will help speeding up processes and maintaining a continuous production process without the need of human interaction.
What are the opportunities for Chinese machine tool enterprises?
Machine tool market is a big global market. Developed countries have the problem of high costs and limited working times. Nevertheless, they can be competitive in high technology segment. Chinese companies are more flexible and have cost advantage. So, they could be competitive in middle class segment globally. As to domestic market, Chinese companies should improve their capabilities and become independent from foreign supplies steadily. Being digital talented and digital oriented Chinese companies should also elaborate how they could establish new digital based business models.機床行業是一個巨大的全球化市場。發達國家存在成本高、工作時間有限的問題;他們在高端技術領域具有一定競爭力。中國企業更加靈活、擁有成本優勢,因此可能在中端技術領域具有全球競爭力。對于國內市場而言,中國企業應提高自身能力,減少對國外供應商的依賴。中國企業應向數字化發展,以數據驅動,建立新的基于數字化的商業模式。
感謝Dr. Omer Sahin Ganiyusufoglu的分享。我們相信,智能化制造、自動化生產和數字化技術的應用是數控機床行業的未來發展方向。